Thursday, August 6, 2015

Is there a cure for hyperpigmentation?

Age is a big factor that determines any woman’s concern for her skin and overall looks. And by the age of 30, women start showing subtle signs of hyper-pigmentation that they would rather not have to deal with all. However, like every natural instinct they start running to salons and spas looking for solutions to deal with this problem rather than scanning their pantries and refrigerators because the “cure” to hyper-pigmentation is right there in their very own reach. Hyperpigmentation experts claim that, first of all, hyper pigmentation is not a “disease” that women frantically want a “cure” for. And secondly, it is very natural occurrence due to the irregular fluctuations in the melanin produced and regulated in our bodies.
Following are a detailed list of natural products that when used with other skin care routines will definitely help ward off hyperpigmentation.
Papaya and honey
Both these ingredients and infused with a lot of nutrients and vitamins that are otherwise not received by our body regularly hence causing discoloration of the skin. Hyperpigmentation experts believe that papaya and honey together when applied to the skin in regular doses will definitely reduce the discoloration and bring about fresh pinky skin that women occasionally dream about. All you need to do is combine 5 tablespoons of crushed papaya with one tablespoon of honey and half tablespoon of lemon juice. This is will lead to a paste like mask that you need to apply on your skin everyday for at least 15 to 20 minutes.
Hyper-pigmentation experts claim that discoloration of the skin can also be caused due to a lack of vitamin C in the body. Hence, when it comes to naturally infusing your body with this vitamin, we suggest you look towards tomato. This vegetable is known to give your body a burst of vitamin C if consumed in a juicy form or just eaten wholly. To make this vegetable into a meal, we recommend sprinkling it with black pepper before eating.
There is a natural reason why we often use the phrase “peachy skin”. The association to peaches has been long known and encouraged by hyperpigmentation experts who believe that like tomatoes this sweet fruit contains a lot of vitamin A and C which reduces discoloration and allows for the charred skin to heal. By turning the intestine of a peach into a puree and mixing it with yogurt, you will have a naturally made skin mask. Apply in on your face every day for about 20 to 25 minutes before rinsing it off.
Strawberry and eggs
Strawberries are known to reduce pigmentation, hence The Skin Games offer an opportunity  hyperpigmentation experts advice aging women to consume a lot of strawberries or make it into a mask by mixing it with half egg whites and half teaspoon lemon juice. Apply this mask every day till you feel your skin glowing and the black areas reducing.

Hyperpigmentation is caused due to many factors like excessive exposure to sunlight, dust and so on. Therefore, it is usually impossible to ward off hyperpigmentation or too long. However, with proper care and regularly using the above mentioned ingredients, you will surely feel the blackened skin reducing.

6 Worth Trying Natural Acne Treatments

Every person suffers from acne once in a while, but only few of them truly manage to end this suffering, never to return. According to an acne expert, chemical treatment of acne may reduce it for a while but is never long-lasting. It means if you want to get rid of acne completely you must try some natural acne treatments for permanent results.
According to an acne expert, for natural acne treatment everything you need is available in your kitchen. What you need is consistency, consistency to use the treatments on regular basis to get rid of acne completely. So, what do you say? Will you be consistent?
6 Amazing Natural Acne Treatments
Here, are the six amazing natural acne treatments desperately waiting for you to try them. The results will be really shocking.
Banana Peel
Yeah, you read it right. Banana peel can help you a lot in reducing acne breakouts. To use this amazing acne relief remedy, you simply have to apply peel for 10-15 minutes and then wash your face.
Orange Peel
Like banana orange peel is also effective for acne. Although it can be used alone yet orange peel, if accompanied with small amount of gram flour becomes best homemade mask to remove acne. Not only acne, it also helps a lot in fading away acne marks and giving the skin a fairer look.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is the next amazing natural treatment for acne breakouts. It acts as powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. It also reduces redness due to acne and gives cooling effect to skin when applied. To use tea tree oil, first wash your face then gently apply few drops of oil on acne area for 10-15 minutes. After that wash your face.
Garlic is the next option you have for acne treatment. Garlic paste or juice if applied directly on acne area reduces the inflammation and kills bacteria causing acne. It stings a little bit, but nothing good comes unless you bear some pain. You have to apply garlic for half an hour and after that wash your face.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Bacteria are the major cause of most of the acne problems. An effective way to treat acne is killing bacteria or making conditions unfavorable for bacterial growth. When used, apple cider vinegar (dissolved in water) do the same thing for you, it balances your skin pH, making it more acidic and unfavorable for bacteria growth. Eventually, bacteria are destroyed and your acne breakouts get under controlled.
Although dermatologists recommend limited intake of dairy products when treating acne, yet when used externally, dairy products, like yogurt, can be one of the effective natural treatments against acne as yoghurt; kills acne bacteria, decreases sebum production and fades away acne marks. You simply have to apply yoghurt directly on the acne spot and leave it for 10 minutes and then wash your face.
Wearing off acne can be a real challenge ,but above mentioned are some amazing worth trying natural acne treatments. When used consistently, these will definitely help you get rid of acne. For more details please visit


Friday, May 22, 2015

Anti aging expert advice for when you reach your 40s

If only we could all live a Benjamin Mutton kind of life, where rather than aging forward we

were aging backwards. However, since that is not the case, anti aging experts claim that by the

age of 40, we should definitely start looking after the health of our skin. Although a much earlier

onset of skincare is always preferred since there is nothing better than prevention, but by the age

of 40, our skin starts to dry up and the skin cellular growth rate slows down significantly which

means your skin’s ability to rejuvenate significantly reduces. But if you manage to follow these

tips, even in your 40s you will be able to have good skin.

Hydrate your skin:

Anti aging experts claim two important methods to help hydrate your skin. The first important

one is the use of moisturizer. And not just any moisturizer but in fact the one that has hyaluronic

acid as its core ingredient. This chemical has that ability to attract water hence keep your face

always hydrated. Another way is through the use of water based face masks. These tend to be

most effective after a thorough exfoliating because your skin is at its most vulnerable then.

The second most effective and important method is through the consumption of green tea and

water. Both of which help keep your skin and body hydrated in the long run.

Anti aging cleansers

The best anti aging expert advice always pinpoints the kind of cleansers and toners one uses.

While you would be comfortable using your primary cleanser and toner for a long time, it is

important to consider changing one especially when you reach your 40s.

Look for a cleanser that is full of nutrients. By the time you reach your 40s your skin needs all

the nutrients that it can get! Also, stick to routine that involves you cleansing your face at least

twice a day with a cleanser that has glycolic acid as its main component. It nourishes the skin

thoroughly and allows it to breathe at the same time when rid of all the dust and makeup.

Protection is key

A carefree youth means all your sun and dirt exposure is only limited to that: your youth.

Because by the time you reach your 40s anti aging experts advise everyone to start staying out of

the sun and protecting your skin from any exposure to harmful fumes, dirt and dust. Know that

your skin is much thinner and vulnerable now, hence it is highly important that you protect it as

much as you can. The best way to beat the stingy sunrays is by using a sunscreen that is at least

SPF 30.

With every passing year our skin and health starts to deteriorate according to the natural

workings of the universe. But what is most important is that as we age, we embrace ourselves

completely in that particular time period. If we are able to accept who and what we are at every

age in our life, a lot of things become easy to manage and control.
For more details Please visit:

Monday, May 18, 2015

Skincare professional tips for men and women

Our skin being the largest organ of our body also tends to be the most exposed. While we all seem to be living a fast life in the ever so fast moving world, we occasionally forget to look after our skin and its health. Having a good and healthy skin is a blessing indeed, and many people all over the world have started understanding its worth and investing on skincare tips and products. But rather than spending so much on the manufactured products readily available in the market, why not just keep in mind these few simple skincare professional tips that will help give your skin the royal treatment that it deserves.
Reduce exposure
Living the typical urban lifestyle means our skin will always be exposed to hard natural agents around us such as pollutants and strong sunrays. Protecting our exposed skin will not only add to its life span but also help ward off many skin related diseases such as skin cancer. Hence, one of the most important skincareprofessional tip is to always wear sunscreen before leaving your house. And this advice is not just limited to sunny days but all kinds of weather including cloudy as well as rainy. Sunscreen that is at least SPF30 is a great investment and addition to your array of skin care products which won’t prevent as much damage as a good sunscreen would.
Good diet
For a healthy skin you need to have a healthy diet. No doubt, “healthy skin does indeed start from inside out” therefore it is important that you take in the right amount of good fats that can be easily found in foods like avocados and olive oil. Avoid starchy foods like French fries and increase the intake of liquids because a well hydrated skin will always glow and look fresh. It is always good to add a few drops of lemon juice to your drinking water as it helps cleanse your skin and also protect your internal organs. Skincare professionals link good skin to good sleep also, thus it is important that you get to have a good 8 hours of sleep every night.
Decrease number of hot baths
Increased amounts of warm baths may feel great and relaxing, especially after a long day at work, but they also tend to continuously destroy the outer layer of your skin without much consideration. The more heat your skin is exposed to, the worse it will get. Therefore, skincare professionals advice both men and women to reduce the number of hot baths they tend to take per day.
Avoid smoking and drinking
Research has shown that tobacco constricts blood flow to your organs including your skin hence leading to a dull, gray and lifeless looking skin. Hence, the best skincare professional tip is to stay clear of all agents that would not only cloud your judgment but also prove fatal to your skin. Also, passive smoking is as harmful as compulsive smoking therefore try to avoid free smoking zones.

These simple and easy skincare professional tips can have lasting effects on the overall skincare health of anyone; men and women. While people invest so much of their money on buying skincare products, they need only invest in what is primarily essential for their overall health such as a good nights sleeps, a good exercise plan and so on.
For more details please visit:

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

skincare professional in USA

The Skin Games: An Esthetician’s Platform!
A profession can only grow if it gets the right kind of popularity and recognition that it deserves. Look, we only choose a profession for our professional career that has the maximum members in its support from our family and society and that is well recognized in the society. Someone will choose a profession by looking at its recognition level in the society and someone will choose it just according to his/her interests. Whatever the case may be, a profession can only grow if it gets the right appreciation and recognition for its work. There are a few professions that mostly left unnoticed even after the great work. An esthetician’s profession is one of them!
Just try to remember your favorite movie or a ramp walk, when a few models impressed you by their looks and the glowing skins. Well, the reality may not be the same because an esthetician can convert and ordinary face into a million dollar beauty empire! But after all of his efforts, he remains to be an invisible hand that is left unnoticed. All the applauses will be for the model that is walking on the ramp with his/her glowing face. What for the esthetician? These are the things that can really discourage a professional and force him/her to change his profession. In this situation, The Skin Games is an effort to highlight the efforts and skills of an esthetician.
We have decided to bring the invisible hands of an esthetician to the front. We have decided to get him the recognition and the praise he deserves. Actually, we have decided to promote the profession of an esthetician to encourage him and to encourage the other individuals who are planning their careers as a skincare professional. We know that this profession can never be vanished because it’s like a lifetime need for the people, celebrities and everyone round the globe. Actually, we just want to get it the right and the deserved appreciation and the encouragement.
Until an esthetician not gives the most effective acne treatments to the ramp walker or a celebrity, he will not be able to the attention of the public or the viewers. On most occasions, we feel sorry for an esthetician who just does not get the appreciation after all of his efforts and skills. This can just discourage him to make new innovations and to come stronger next time. This is not what he should get! He has to get a big applause and recognition for his work and talent he has.
So, being a Hyperpigmentation Expert or an anti-aging Expert, you can use this platform to reveal yourself against the other skin care giants in the beauty industry who are participating in this great challenge that is made for the crown of “The Best Skincare Professional”. This time, the opportunity is knocking on your doors and it is you who have to open the doors to the success and recognition. There is no one else apart from your skill between you and the title of “The Best Skincare Professional”. So, come and win the race, come and show the world that you are here.